"Cartoonist pledges to draw attention to cerebrospinal fluid disease with new manga  Newspaper article of Izumi Matsumoto"
(September. 3, 2005)


"Official Fanbook Extra Series [ Sugar Babe ]"
(Mar. 15, 2005)

Extra series "Sugar Babe" Volume 1 is published on March 21, in Comic Market Special 4.

See this page for detail.

"Izumi Matsumoto Official Fanbook Project"(Dec. 16, 2004)

Matsumoto and MANAMI (fanzine coterie) publish Matsumoto's official fanbook as fanzine series.

See this page for detail.

*** We seek for the publisher which will translate and issue our books.

"Shin KOR 2002"(Jan. 23, 2002)

"Shin KOR" novel series' revised edition "Shin Kimagure Orange Road 2002"
have been published in Shueisha (publisher)'s "Super Dash Bunko" series,
since December 2001. Every volume's title is same to "Shin Kimagure Orange Road" series.
Izumi Matsumoto newly draws their cover, and he writes an essay in vol.1.

Vol. 1 = 21.Dec.2001 / ISBN:4-08-6300648 / 495 Yen (without consumption tax)
Vol. 2 = 25.Jan.2002 / ISBN:4- (Unknown) / 514 Yen (without consumption tax)
Vol. 3 = (Unknown)
(See : )

Matsumoto's participation to The 61st Black Ship Festival in Shimoda(Mar. 22, 2000)
From May 19 to 21, "Black Ship Festival" is held in Shimoda, Shizuoka pref.
This festival celebrates the "first contact" between Japan and the U.S. --
Commodore Matthew C. Perry's landing to Shimoda in 1854.
Matsumoto will participate to this year's festival, and a street show of
"Bakumatsu Rashamen-musume Jyoushi" is planned in it. Offline meeting is also planned.

(This Web site will report the schedule of show, and other associated info.)
Of course, visitors from overseas are welcome!

See Detail of "Bakumatsu..." show on the street
in the B.S.Festival.

We'll hold a offline meeting "Shimoda B.S.F. Tour" ! (Apr. 22, 2000)
Why don't you enjoy the Black Ship Festival with Matsumoto ?
see its detail and registration (non-indespensible)


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